Thanks for stopping by!
This is a blog I had previous to 2008.
My nature website is now located here:
You can find my wedding website here
Blogs & Websites Have Moved
4/6/10 | Posted by PhotographyInVictoria at 4/06/2010 0 comments
Sedona, Arizona
Very far behind in blog posts lately. These pictures were taken quite a while ago from a trip I took with my husband down to the Grand Canyon and Sedona, Arizona. I'll be posting some more pics from a trip to the rockies this past summer here soon. :)
10/31/08 | Posted by PhotographyInVictoria at 10/31/2008 1 comments
Labels: Nature
Port Hardy, Telegraph Cove, Port Alice, Coal Harbour and the End of the Road
My good friend Kirk and I went on a camping trip a few weeks back up to the most northern point on the island. It was a fairly chill trip - got to see lots of eagles, bears, deer and even humpback whales!. We had a bit of fun taking a series of still pictures in succession (about 1,600 in total) and we created this silly video. Enjoy!
7/20/08 | Posted by PhotographyInVictoria at 7/20/2008 0 comments
Labels: Nature
Portrait & Wedding blog notes have moved
Just a quick note that I'm now doing all of my wedding and portrait work through FunkyTown Photography. If you're looking for new pics, please visit or
In the meantime, I'm going to continue to use this blog for nature and wildlife photos.
6/6/08 | Posted by PhotographyInVictoria at 6/06/2008 0 comments
Famous Monkeys
My favorite animal on the planet is the adorable and critically endangered mono titi (red backed squirrel monkey). I donated some of mono titi photos recently for a popular envirnmental website. The first of four future articles appeared this week. I am hoping the article will raise the profile of this cause. You can read the article here:
5/2/08 | Posted by PhotographyInVictoria at 5/02/2008 0 comments
Labels: Nature
Christina Craft is crazy about monkeys
UPDATE: Costa Rica photos are now for sale online in my Nature Stock Photography library at the following address:
The next few posts are from a recent trip to Costa Rica, including Corcovado National Park, Manuel Antonio National Park and the Poas Volcano.
These tiny monkeys are about the same size as a North American squirrel and weigh only 1kg. While it's common to see them in and around the hotel areas of Manuel Antonio National Park, they are unfortunately critically endangered.

Howler Monkeys

Capuchin Monkeys

3/18/08 | Posted by PhotographyInVictoria at 3/18/2008 0 comments
Labels: Nature